Wide Powder Feeding Nozzle

The COAX10 type processing head is specifically designed for working with rectangular or linear laser focal spots and high laser powers. Two opposing channel plates form a rectangular powder stream that can be precisely adjusted to the dimensions of the melt pool. This enables the build-up welding of flat and near-net-shape weld beads with a 16 mm (standard) individual track width. A positive side effect of the wide track widths is that despite high deposition rates, only low welding speeds are required, which results in advantages when processing critical material combinations.


Product Details

– Large-area coating with Ni-, Co-, Fe-based alloys and wear protection layers containing WC
– Special applications, e.g. B. Coating partial areas in just one pass

– Laser power up to 12 kW
– Laser spot 10 x 2 or 12 x 2  mm
– Powder delivery rate 110 g/min
– Powder utilization rates up to 95%
– two-sided powder feed (not independent of direction)


Broadband powder feeding nozzle
Coaxial powder feeding broadband cladding
Broadband laser cladding
Coaxial powder feeding broadband cladding

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